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AdaptDx Pro May Help in the Diagnosis of AMD

The AdaptDx Pro® test by MacuLogix® allows your eye doctor to measure dark adaptation speed, which may indicate the presence of AMD, up to three years earlier than other tests.

Your Asheville Vision doctor may recommend you take the AdaptDx Pro test, if you:

  • Experience night vision problems
  • Are over age 50
  • Have a family history of AMD
  • Are Causasian (white)
  • Have other risk factors

The AdaptDx Pro measures the number of minutes it takes your vision to adjust to darkness, your dark adaptation speed. The result of the test is your Rod Intercept® (RI®). This single number provides your doctor with critical information to help determine if you have AMD. The test takes only about 10 minutes. You’ll wear a headset and press a button whenever you see a flashing light. Your doctor will review the results with you.

Simple, Comfortable Experience

The test is very simple and comfortable. You’ll be coached by the friendly voice of Theia™, our on-board technician. Powered by artificial intelligence, Theia guides you through each step and lets you know how you are doing.

The lightweight headset conforms to your head. A padded liner and adjustable strap ensure your comfort throughout the test.

Preventing Blindness

If the AdaptDx Pro test helps identify impaired dark adaptation, the earliest sign of AMD, you and your doctor have valuable time to develop a plan to delay further symptoms.

Proactive Steps to Delay or Prevent Vision Loss:

  • Lifestyle changes, such as improved diet and exercise and quitting smoking
  • Eye health supplements
  • Blue light protection
  • UVA and UVB sunglasses

Your doctor will also want to monitor your vision with AdaptDx Pro testing regularly. If needed, you’ll be able to begin additional treatment as soon as late-stage AMD is detected.